The Vibrosaun is a unique blend of sauna and vibration technology design to offer therapeutic benefits while stimulating the effects of exercise in a state of relaxation. It ingeniously combines the soothing dry heat of a traditional sauna with a padded vibrating bed, allowing users to lie back in a comfortablexreclining position.

The fusion of heat and vibration creates a multi sensory experience that promotes circulation, aids in muscle relaxation, and encourages the body to release toxins through perspiration.


Key components and functionalities include:

Dry Heat Circulation
The capsule is engineered to circulate dry heat throughout, enveloping the user’s body. The heat elevates the body’s core temperature, mirroring the effects of a moderate workout by promoting sweating and boosting circulation

Vibration Therapy
The padded bed within the Vibrosaun vibrates gently, providing a massage like effect. This vibration helps to relax muscles, relieves tension, and can even reduce the perception of pain. It’s particularly beneficial for those who may find traditional exercise challenging due to pain or mobility issues.

Comfort and Cooling for the Head and Face
Recognising the discomfort that can come from overheating, the Vibrosaun is designed with a system to keep the head and face cool with a flow of cold air. This design ensures user can enjoy the benefits of the heated environment without the discomfort of excessive heat on their face and head.

Therapeutic benefits
The combination of dry heat and vibration offers several therapeutic benefits. These include muscle relaxation, improved circulation, detoxification through sweating, reduction in stress levels, and assistance with weight management. Additionally, it can support body’s natural healing processes, potentially providing relief from conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and muscle stiffness.

The Vibrosaun provides a holistic approach to wellness, offering a relaxing yet effective way to stimulate the body’s natural processes, akin to those achieved through exercise, without the physical exertion. It’s an innovative solution for individual seeking to improve their health and wellbeing, manage pain, or simply unwind and de-stress.

Vibrosaun Sauna Massage Therapy & its Benefits

Vibrosaun is considered a natural and relaxing way to health and fitness as it stimulates exercise – improves muscle tone and promote perspiration, help loose weight, help increase circulation and relieves muscular aches and pains, arthritis and sciatica. It creates a relaxing environment to help relieve tension and stress, a proven aid for insomniacs, and it helps eliminates body wastes and stimulate kidney function.

Imagine a sauna massage that:
• Relieves arthritis pain
• Alleviates back pain
• Soothes real stress
• Helps loose weight

How the Vibrosaun Works
The introduction of combined heat and vibration to the body dilates the blood vessels, thereby increasing the heart and pulse rate. This in turn increases the blood flow and intake of oxygen. The body’s cells use oxygen to burn carbohydrates and fats. This improved blood flowing intake of oxygen also accelerate the kidney function in the removal of lactic acid and body wastes. A healthier body must result.

Vibrosaun for Weight Loss, Circulation & Detoxification

Vibrosaun for Weight Loss, Circulation & Detoxification
As the vibration relaxes the muscles and stimulates movement, even this in itself contributes in a minor way to burning calories. Then, a the dry sauna heat is introduced and the body temperature increases, the blood vessels dilate increasing circulation and of course, the heart and pulse rate. When circulation is increased in this environment, the body receives signals from the brain and releases stored energy to be used in exactly the same method as it does, when circulation is increased from doing physical exercise. At 65 degrees or higher, 45 minute session is equivalent to a 45 km brisk walk or light jog.

The Vibrosaun accelerates detoxification through sweating and circulation. This rapidly increases the release of toxins from the body. Vibrosaun by generating heat, increases the body’s temperature which allows infections heal which is ideal for faster healing.

A Holistic Approach to Arthritis Relief

A Holistic Approach to Arthritis Relief
Vibrosaun therapy is a highly effective way to remove the build up of excessive lactic and uric acids from the synovial fluid in joints through accelerated kidney and lymphatic function. This immediately improves mobility and eases painful symptoms in affected joints and limbs. It has been reported that sufferers who use Vibrosaun regularly can achieve complete relief of arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Relief from Inflammation & Injury
The improved blood flow and circulation combined with the relaxation of tight and injured muscles, allow blood to circulate freely throughout the whole body, assisting in the healing process to relieved unwanted muscle and soft tissue aches, pains and muscle spasm. A Vibrosaun session prior to manipulation by a qualified practitioner such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor is most desirable as it is well known that if the body is in a relaxed state both mentally and physically, treatment is more likely to be more successful and permanent.

Vibrosaun for Temporary and Chronic Back Pain

Vibrosaun for Temporary and Chronic Back Pain
The relaxing vibration coupled with heat, not only relaxes the muscle, but as the user is in a recumbent position, the vertebrae are separated, allowing improved blood flow to circulate unobstructed throughout the spinal column and allows effective regeneration of damaged tissue and muscle. When pain is registered in the back, the brain send a message to the appropriate muscles to contract, restricting the blood flow and placing pressure on the nervous system. The more the muscle contracts, the more the health and balance of other muscles are negatively affected. The warm environment of Vibrosaun is ideal for faster healing.

Vibrosaun Secret to Cellulite Reduction

Vibrosaun Secret to Cellulite Reduction
Within the rhythmic vibrations of Vibrosaun lies the key to cellulite reduction. As users immerse themselves in its tranquil ambience, the unique features and effects of Vibrosaun work their magic, targeting cellulite and fluid retention. Countless users have reported a noticeable improvement in unsightly cellulite, heralding Vibrosaun as a trusted ally in the quest for smoother, more radiant skin

Vibrosaun Combatting Insomnia and Stress

Vibrosaun Combatting Insomnia and Stress
for Overall Wellness In the modern whirlwind of high-stress lifestyles, Vibrosaun emerges a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. By alleviating stress and inducing a state of relaxation, it combats the elevated levels of catecholamines, such as adrenaline, associated with cellulite and abdominal weight gain. Through this harmonious interplay of relaxation and rejuvenation, Vibrosaun becomes not just a device, but a gateway to holistic wellness.



Is Vibrosaun safe for everyone?
As a very gentle therapy the Vibrosaun is safe and effective for most people who have been cleared for exercise by a physician.

Special Conditions:
Clients on blood thinners should be monitored by their physicians throughout their programs, as this treatment will naturally have blood thinning effect as well. Clients with heart or vascular conditions, active cancer, infectious progressive diseases or those with pacemakers should not use the Vibrosaun.

Can you use Vibrosaun when pregnant?
No. Saunas of any type are not suitable for pregnant woman.

What are the side effects of Vibrosaun
Most clients do not experience any sides effects and report immediate positive effects including increased energy and good night sleep. However, the Vibrosaun does stimulate a heavy toxin release. As a result some may experience a ‘healing crisis’ or detox symptoms including headaches, fatigue or irritability. To help alleviate symptoms of a healing crisis, ensure that you are well hydrated before each session and drink plenty of water afterwards.

How long does one session last?
Can be a quick 10 minute taster to make sure you will be comfortable during your therapy, or to a 45 minute detox/weight loss session.

What should I wear?
Loose comfortable clothing is best, or anything from your workout gear to just underwear or to nothing at all. We do however recommend you remove any jewellery before your session.

How many session can I do in a day?
As per our policy, clients must complete their session not more than once a day.

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