Micro-needling ( also known as collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive treatment that has been used for decades to rejuvenate the skin. A device with fine needles creates tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin. Results can include improved texture and firmness, as well as skin resurfacing.

RF micro-needling adds the element of radiofrequency energy to the traditional micro-needling procedure. The RF energy is delivered via small needles into the dermis. In addition to the benefits seen in the micro-injury provided by the traditional micro needles, RF micro-needling also delivers RF energy deep into the dermis further enhancing skin tightening and scar reduction.

Working Theory

RF Microneedling uses very tiny needles (smaller than the diameter of a hair) to deliver safe radio frequency energy into the deeper layer of the skin where collagen and elastin fibres form support structures. The polarity of the energy emitted creates arcs of energy between the micro needles delivering energy below the skin’s surface to remodel the skin without the visible top layer downtime of previous technologies. It can offer several settings for depth, intensity, and number of micro needles, which allows the system to provide a variety of treatments customised to individual’s needs.

Why we love RF Microneedling?

Because it does wonders for our skin. RF Microneedling is a great technology for skin plumping and tightening. It targets fine lines, big pores, acne scarring, loose skin, pigmentation, wrinkles and stretch marks with fast and easy recovery and little downtime and due to that we can quickly work towards getting the flawless skin of our dreams. We want to have an immaculate skin at all age and not everyone wants to look stretched or overfilled, just natural, because we want to age elegantly.

At Aglow Aesthetics we do things a little bit different. We offer our clients only the best technology and treatment that gives a phenomenal result. We don’t only treat but we
also care so, we would like to offer you a complementary MEDLED Light Therapy with your every RF Microneedling session to heal your injured skin faster and to speed up skin cell regeneration. If you would like to know more about RF Microneedling please don’t hesitate to contact us at or phone us for an appointment on 0410 507661


How Does RF Microneedling work?
The Fractional Radiofrequency Microneedling device delivers immediate, long-term results with a pain-free experience and no downtime. RF energy heats the underlying layers of skin, causing constriction and tightening of the skin, as well as the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Because the RF energy is delivered so deeply, it can produce faster results that are more dramatic.

Is RF Microneedling painful?
Comfort level is depend on the client’s pain tolerance. Our RF Microneedling device was designed to maximise comfort levels with patented flow needling technology. Clients most often rate the pain as 0-3 out of 10 and the longer the numbing cream is left on the lesser you will feel it.

How many treatments do I need?
How many treatments you will need is client specific. Some clients see results after just one session, whereas others will require 3-4 sessions for best results. During your consultation, you will be advised of the treatment plan to suit your goals and outcome.

How will my skin look right after the treatment?
Following the procedure, you can expect the skin to feel hot and will looked flushed or red. Occasionally small bruises and mild swelling can occur.

Can RF Microneedling be used on darker skin tone?
Most skin type can be treated including tanned and darker skin

Before and After Photos

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